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New Year, New Us


New Year, New Us

Greetings Friends, Family, & Colleagues,

After a productive year full of twists and turns, we are pleased to
announce the creation of The Miles Real Estate Group! Comprised of
names you’ll recognize: Kristofer Kasper, Jaclyn Houghton, Tiffany Russell,
and our specially chosen agent team, Catherine Chau, Meghan
Duplechain, and Sabrina Kennedy, we formed to better serve you and your
real estate needs. Together, we’ve made the big transition of joining the
Compass brokerage, where we can provide world-class service to you and
your family using proprietary Compass technology and design.

Given these big changes, The Miles Real Estate Group wants to take this
opportunity to lift their glasses to you — those in their life unafraid to make
big moves, who take big risks so they can start another year safe in the
knowledge that they’ve tried their best. Here’s to another year of triumph
through perseverance! We know we can make it through with you by
our side, and we are so happy to continually provide you with the
combined expertise of 48 years and a quarter billion in sales!


Running is a shared hobby of Kris, Tiffany, & Jaclyn. It wasn’t the only inspiration for “The Miles Group” but it further solidified that it is the perfect name for the team. Follow along with us to see which races we run in 2022 and how we do. Better yet, run with us!

First up, you will find us running the Austin Half Marathon on February 19th. Look for us running in our The Miles Group swag.